Elektroniese sigaret Nuus, Science, Video Reviews, Coupon Codes, FREE Raffles & More.


Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe? Is die elektroniese sigarette Safe?

“Conventional cigarettes account for about 80% of nicotine consumption in the United States, but more than 98% of the illness and death. This harm... 

What is an Electronic Cigarette? The History. Wat is 'n Elektroniese Sigaret? Die geskiedenis.

Toe ek die eerste keer gehoor oor die elektroniese sigaret my eerste reaksie was dat dit 'n nuwigheid item dit was nie te ernstig opgeneem moet word. Egter,... 

What are the Benefits of Electronic Cigarettes? Wat is die voordele van elektroniese sigarette?

Electronic smoking is quickly rising in popularity and may change the way people smoke forever. Are you wondering if this is something that would benefit... 

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Tips on Using Your New Electronic Cigarette Wenke oor die gebruik jou nuwe elektroniese sigaret

Jou nuwe elektroniese sigaret is nie 'n ingewikkelde apparaat, maar soos met enige iets nuuts daar altyd 'n bietjie van 'n leerkurwe wees. Here are some... 

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7 Features To Consider When Choosing The Best Electronic Cigarette 7 Eienskappe te oorweeg wanneer jy die beste Elektroniese Sigaret

  What is The Best Electronic Cigarette? The fact is that most e-cigarette models basically work the same way. In a nutshell, a battery powers an atomizer/cartomizer which vaporizes a nicotine/water solution that is inhaled by the user. The main... [Read more]

Are You Ready To Buy an Electronic Cigarette? Is jy gereed om 'n elektroniese sigaret te koop?

Are you ready to buy an electronic cigarette? Great… this is definitely a Safer, Gesonder, Cleaner and Less Expensive alternative to conventional cigareettes or cigars. Congratulations on making a smart decision! But there are A LOT of different... [Read more]

Can Electronic Cigarettes Help You Quit Smoking? Kan elektroniese sigarette help jy ophou rook?

Kan elektroniese sigarette help om op te hou rook ? Waarskynlik. Maar die maatskappye wat hierdie toestelle verkoop is nie in 'n posisie om jou te vertel dat. Want soos tradisionele tabak sigarette, die FDA het nie elektroniese sigarette goedgekeur, so they are not... [Read more]

A Factual Review of the Electronic Cigarette 'N feitelike Review van die Elektroniese Sigaret

Can the electronic cigarette offer a realistic smoking experience? This is the first thought that came to my mind when I first heard about e-cigarettes and no doubt you’re also wondering “how close to the real thing is it?” I’d... [Read more]

Electronic Cigarettes and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Elektroniese sigarette en die Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Electronic cigarettes, the FDA, anti-freeze and teenagers… how are these four connected? Apparently the FDA found small traces of diethylene glycol, an ingredient used in antifreeze (in addition to many other products), in one sample of electronic... [Read more]

10 Facts You Should Know about Electronic Cigarettes 10 Feite jy moet weet oor elektroniese sigarette

The electronic cigarette is quickly rising in popularity as more smokers become aware of this healthier, safer, and much less expensive smoking alternative. For the first time an alternative nicotine delivery system is available that closely simulates... [Read more]

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From the desk of Vin Tusa; The following playlist video's are strictly for entertainment purposes only (some of my favorite songs from an amazing artist/s) and they have nothing to do with electronic cigarettes. You can actually continue to listen to the songs as you browse our site,.....enjoy! :)

SouthBeachSmoke: Looks & Feels Like a Real Cigarette - But It's Not!

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