A Factual Review of the Electronic Cigarette

Can the electronic cigarette offer a realistic smoking experience? This is the first thought that came to my mind when I first heard about e-cigarettes and no doubt you’re also wondering “how close to the real thing is it?” I’d like to share my electronic cigarette review with you in the hopes that it will give you a clearer idea of what to expect should you decide to try it.

Smokers enjoy their cigarettes. If you smoke then you know what I’m talking about. For many smokers it is a love hate relationship. You know it’s bad for you but you enjoy the sensation and the actual ritual of smoking. That’s why nicotine delivery alternatives like gum and the patch don’t cut it… they don’t simulate the actual smoking experience.

This is where the e-cigarette comes in. It claims to replicate a real smoking experience but without the same health risks and other drawbacks of smoking tobacco. And you know what? It does a pretty good job. It may not be exactly the same but the similarities are great enough to satisfy most smokers.

When I first heard about electric smoking I thought it was a joke. I mean come on… a battery powered cigarette? You’ve got to be kidding! It wasn’t until recently (after hearing several positive reviews) that I finally decided to try it for myself.

I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised….

The sensation of the vapor is incredibly similar to real cigarette smoke. The vapor has a warmth to it and it feels like real smoke when you inhale. You also get that immediate nicotine sensation as well which is very satisfying.

The taste was a lot like tobacco but not exactly. It was a bit smoother and cleaner tasting and I found myself actually preferring the flavor. I understand that other flavors are available like menthol, vanilla, cherry, chocolate, etc. So far I’ve tried the vanilla and cherry and both were very satisfying.

When you blow out the vapor you see a cloud that looks exactly like smoke but without the lingering smell. As a matter of fact the vapor is nearly odorless and the cloud (which is just vaporized water and nicotine) quickly disappears without a trace. The fact that the breath, hands, hair and clothes don’t stink is a huge plus!

Another huge plus for me is the price. A pack of cigarettes where I live is over $7. A single nicotine cartridge for most electronic cigarettes is around $2 and is the equivalent of about 30 cigarettes.

I know cigarette smoking is bad, but at least now there is a healthier and more cost efficient alternative. I hope my electronic cigarette review helped you decide if this is something that may benefit you or someone you love. If you’re a smoker I highly recommend giving the electronic cigarette a try… you may find yourself changing the way you smoke forever.

For more Electronic Cigarette facts, Click Here For The 10 Electronic Cigarette Science Truths,… Just The Facts, The Science, The Truth.

We here at eCigInfoCenter.com have also found from our own trials that the products from the Electronic Cigarette companies listed here (the direct company link banners to the right) to be of excellent quality. We will soon be posting our own Editorial Video Reviews (see our “coming soon” page) for all of the Electronic Cigarette Companies listed here (again, the Direct Company Link banners to the right).

For now though, you can view demonstration and review videos for two of these High Quality Electronic Cigarette brands by clicking the below links; (In alphabetical order)


Click Here


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Thank you very much for choosing eCigInfoCenter.com as your avenue for High Quality Electronic Cigarette Information, and what we have found to be The Best High Quality Electronic Cigarette Products. Receive more information on the top brands by clicking the direct link banners on the right side of our site. Thanks again, Best Wishes, Be Well and Stay Well.


Vin Tusa, CAO/Managing Director

Live life fully,… Improve Your Wellness,… Make the switch,…


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