Tips on Using Your New Electronic Cigarette

Your new electronic cigarette is not a complicated device but as with anything new there is always going to be a bit of a learning curve. Here are some tips on the best ways to maximize your electronic smoking experience so you can save both time and money.

Tips for new electronic smokers:

1. Get extra batteries and atomizers/cartomizers. These are the two things that are most likely to need replacing. A quick word of caution: It’s a good idea to make sure you like your particular electronic cigarette model first before buying all the extras. Once you know for sure you’re satisfied with it, get the extra hardware… you’ll definitely get good use out of them!

2. Get a car charger and a USB passthrough. These will allow you to “vape” while driving or at your computer without the need to drain your batteries. Again, make sure you’re satisfied with your model before buying the extras.

3. Start off with a lower nicotine dose. Electronic cigarette cartridges typically come in several different doses: High, medium, low and none. When you first get your e-cigarette you’re going to want to be experimenting with it a lot, trying new flavors, etc. If you’re not careful you’ll end up absorbing more nicotine than you’re used to… and possibly increasing your addiction to it. Start off low and increase your dose after the novelty wears off if you feel like it.

4. Take long, slow puffs. A long, slow, steady puff will give you the most vapor volume. Short, hard puffs will tend to flood the atomizer causing reduced vapor production (you may even get liquid in your mouth).

5. Switch atomizers frequently. Atomizers tend to get clogged easily and when this happens the vapor volume is greatly reduced. Switch out your atomizer daily for best performance and be sure to clean them frequently. (This tip only applies to three-part ecigs where the atomizer is a separate unit. Most newer models are of the two-piece design which have a built in atomizer in each individual cartridge – a cartomizer).

Follow these tips and you will have a head start on being able to fully enjoy your new electronic cigarette as soon as possible. If you’re unsure about something be sure to check out some of the ecigarette forums online. These can be an excellent resource for answering nearly any question you can think of.

Congratulations on choosing a Healthier, Safer, Cleaner and Less Expensive smoking alternative… Happy Vaping!

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Vin Tusa, CAO/Managing Director

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