X'inhu Elettroniċi tas-sigaretti? L-Istorja.
Meta I-ewwel jinstemgħu dwar il-sigaretti elettroniċi ewwel reazzjoni tiegħi kienet li din kienet oġġett novità li ma kienx li jittieħdu bis-serjetà. Madankollu, upon closer inspection I realized that this is an ingenious invention that has the potential to revolutionize the way people smoke forever.
What exactly is an electronic cigarette? Here is a description of what it is, how it works… Continue reading
Tista Electronic Sigaretti Help You jieqfu jpejpu?
Tista Sigaretti Elettroniċi jgħinek tieqaf tpejjep ? Probabbilment. Iżda l-kumpaniji li jbiegħu dawn il-mezzi mhumiex f'pożizzjoni li jgħidlek li. Minħabba bħal sigaretti tat-tabakk tradizzjonali, l-AID m'approvax sigaretti elettroniċi, so they are not being sold as smoking cessation devices, but rather as a Safer, B'Saħħithom, Cleaner, Less Expensive “smoking alternative” for people who want to enjoy those… Continue reading
Sigaretti Elettroniċi Imqabbla mal Sigaretti Tabakk
Sigaretti elettroniċi qed jiġu kkummerċjalizzati bħala alternattivi aktar sikuri biex tabakk għat-tipjip. But just how safe are e-cigarettes? Are there any health risks? Let’s examine electric smoking and compare it to “real” smoking so you can make an intelligent decision if this may be a wise smoking alternative for you.
The most harmful aspect of smoking cigarettes is the 4,000 toxic chemicals that are… Continue reading