Соутх Беацх Смоке Ревиев / Видео

Hi! and thanks for visiting eCigInfoCenter.com,

We’ve recently added a “Ускоро!” page here on our site where we will be posting our very own Unbiased Editorial YouTube Video Reviews, and Star Rating (Amazon Style) Customer Review’s.

With regard to our own Video Reviews, we will be producing a concise Video Review where we will discuss the attributes, and perform side-by-side demonstrations of each brand listed here on our site. We feel this is an important service to provide you to assist with making your purchase decisions right here from our site by simply clicking the large Factory Direct Link Ads of the company/’s of your choice listed in the right sidebar and throughout our site.

Until that time though, I want to personally state that I have had the opportunity to sample, demonstrate and experiment with the New South Beach Smoke Deluxe Kit with their Latest SuperMax Batteries and I have been completely satisfied with its performance.

TheSouth Beach Smoke customer service experience was easy, quick and very professional. The kit was delivered promptly as promised. It was packaged nicely. All the components seem durable and well made, and they function as they should. And I found the taste and vapor production to be excellent. I want to note that their development of the SuperMax Batteries along with their Improved Cartomizers/Cartridges made for a significantly improved product (I also tried the earlier version of South Beach Smoke, and their latest version is much better, excellent).

Below I have added some videos and video review’s for the South Beach Smoke brand. If you wish to place an order and save an automatic 10% on all South Beach Smoke Starter Kits (discount will automatically be applied at check out simply click the Factory Direct Link Ad below the videos (or on the right side of our site).

Thank you very much for choosing eCigInfoCenter.com as your avenue for High Quality Electronic Cigarette Information and what we have found to be The Best High Quality Electronic Cigarette Products. For more information on these High Quality/Top Brand Products and to securely place your order simply click the Factory Direct Company Link banners found to the right and throughout our site. Thanks again, Најлепше жеље, Будите Па и били добро.

П.С. – Also, while you’re here sign up for our Newsletter (form above and to the right) за ваш слободан улазак на наше најновије ФРЕЕ лутрији и да прима најновије Специалс, Промоције и Купон кодови! Наш тренутни БЕСПЛАТНО Лутрија цртеж је за $100. Рестаурант.цом Е-Гифт Цард! Погледајте нашу Лике Ус / БЕСПЛАТНО Лутрија страна за више информација, укључујући како да повећате шансе за победу за БЕСПЛАТНО!


Вино Туса, ЦАО / Генерални директор

Ливе Лифе Потпуно,… Improve Your Wellness,… Make The Switch,…

PLEASE NOTE: The following video was produced before the introduction of South Beach Smoke’s New Supermax Batteries and Improved Cartomizers/Cartridges. The current vapor production utilizing the New SuperMax Batteries (and also their Improved Cartomizers/Cartridges) is significantly greater, which we will demonstrate when we release our own Video Review as metioned above.

To recieve an automatic 10% off on all South Beach Smoke Starter Kits (discount will be applied automatically at check out) simply click the Factory Direct Link Ad below to Order Factory Direct from South Beach Smoke

Looks & Feels & Tastes Like a Real Cigarette

Напослетку, Молимо вас да одвојите мало времена да кликнете испод дати наш сајт ваше позитивне глас, and please like us below or to the right as well (неће болети, неће вас коштати ништа, а ми у великој мери бих ти захвалан!) Thank you very much.

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