Está preparado para mercar un cigarro electrónico?
Are you ready to buy an electronic cigarette?
Great… this is definitely a Safer, Healthier, Cleaner and Less Expensive alternative to conventional cigareettes or cigars. Congratulations on making a smart decision!
But there are A LOT of different types to choose from…
Here is a list of some of the more popular types of e-cigarettes and the pros and cons of each:
1. Super Cigarette. This is just a little bigger than a normal cigarette but looks very similar.
Pros: It is the most similar to a tobacco cigarette in size and feel. The battery life is pretty good and it produces a nice vapor.
Cons: The cartridge size is a bit smaller than some other types, so you may have to replace or refill it more often.
2. The Mini Cigarette is a bit longer than the Super and basically the same diameter. However, the main difference is the mouthpiece which is tapered.
Pros: Decent vapor and battery life.
Cons: A lot of people are saying it has an odd shape/feel and seems more like a small cigar rather than a conventional cigarette.
3. The Super Mini is basically what it sounds like… the smallest type available.
Pros: Compact and easy to carry and use.
Cons: Because of the size, the cartridge, batteries and atomizer are also small. This causes a weaker vapor and shorter battery life.
4. Disposable e-Cigarettes. Everything is self contained. No need to change/refill cartridges, charge the battery, etc.
Pros: Some people find this model very convenient.
Cons: Can get expensive and may seem a bit wasteful.
The Super Cigarette type is my personal favorite. It is the most similar in size and feel to a regular cigarette and produces the most robust vapor making it seem like an authentic smoking experience.
But don’t rush out and buy an electronic cigarette yet!
Not all e-cigarettes are created equal… as a matter of fact many of the early designs are prone to mechanical failure. The most common complaint is that the atomizers get clogged. When this happens the vapor quality and volume is greatly compromised. Another problem is short battery life.
The best way to avoid these problems is to educate yourself on the best models/brands. Unfortunately the majority of manufacturers are producing cheaply made inferior products (like many of the ones found in convenience and big box stores). The good news is that there are a handful of reputable companies with Top Of The Line, Latest Technology, Up-Scale Electronic Cigarettes that will give you a realistic smoking experience without all the headaches (like the top brands offered here on our site) and with Money Back Guarantees – just click the Direct Company Link banners on the right for more information and to securely place your order.
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Thank you very much for choosing as your avenue for High Quality Electronic Cigarette Information, eo que atopamos para ser o mellor cigarro produtos de alta calidade electrónicos. Receive more information on the top brands by clicking the Direct Company Link banners on the right side of our site. Thanks again, Moitas Felicidades, Sexa ben e permanecer Ben.
Wine Tusa, CAO / Managing Director
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