Electronic Cigarette News
What’s Really In A Tobacco Cigarette? Once-secret documents reveal some surprising ingredients
Below is an interesting article from the Wall Street Journal which states that among the many ingredients and chemical additives found in tobacco cigarettes;
“ammonia is used in abundance—millions of pounds per year in fact—to push the nicotine molecule from a “bound” into a “free base” state, creating a kind of crack nicotine. Levulinic acid is similarly added to increase the efficiency of nicotine binding in the brain. Cocoa is added for aroma but also for its impact as a bronchodilator: Cocoa contains the alkaloid theobromine, which helps open up the lungs to “receive” smoke.
Of course, whenever you smoke a cigarette you are also smoking cigarette paper, which contains bleaches and glues and sometimes burn accelerants (typically sodium or potassium citrates). Chemicals are added to adjust the color of the ash or the optical qualities of the smoke.
The archives are also full of complaints from ordinary smokers finding oddities in their cigarettes: A 1994 Philip Morris document records contamination from rubber bands, machine belts and lubricants, ink and tax stamp solvents, glass fibers and plastics, and color stains “consistent with blood.” Smokers also complain about finding bugs or worms, sometimes dead, sometimes alive.”
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Click Here to read the complete Wall Street Journal article.
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